Welcome to the Brand New Blog: The Organization Lady is Getting Organized Herself

A Simpler Life Now - new blog

Do you ever find that the hardest part of beginning a new project is actually beginning the project?

Once you commit to sitting down and starting something, the actual task unfolds itself pretty easily; it’s just getting yourself into the mindset to actually start that takes Herculean effort, right?

For you, it might be tackling the “games closet” in the family room that hasn’t been opened since the kids were in middle school; that ever-growing pile of financial paperwork; or the scarves, bags, and other accessories cluttering up your valuable closet space.

For me, it was starting this blog. There are so many things I want to share with you — it is a daunting task figuring out where to begin.

So, let’s make a deal. Let’s do it together. You can come to this space for practical, usable, actionable ideas that can help you get your life organized. 

We will talk a lot about transitions, and the steps you can take to make them easier.

We will talk about your new home, and what you need to bring to it. 

And how to leave behind a whole lot of “stuff” that you really don’t need.

Which will get us into the emotional attachments we have with that stuff.

We’ll talk a lot about downsizing and organizing, and maybe even bring in some experts who can shed a professional light on things.

You can also share with me questions about things you would like to address. I’d love to hear your input. 

Together, we will figure out some of the ways to create A Simpler Life Now